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Class of 1971 — 50th Reunion


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Missing Classmates

As part of our 50th anniversary class reunion, we created a 50th anniversary yearbook.

Unfortunately, we have no contact information for the classmates listed below, who have therefore not been included in the yearbook. If you have any information that might help us locate or contact these people (such as an email address or phone number), please email us.

With your help, we hope to reach out to these former CHS'71 classmates so that they can be included in future yearbooks and can be contacted about future reunions.

Dawn Adams Richard Hayes Nancy Pawlick
George Backinoff Paul Heins Valerie Ann Petrone
Bruce Barton Barbara Lynn Heuer Howard Pohl
Elio Berardinelli Dawn Hewison Lisa Rappoport
Richard Beyer Elizabeth Ann Holliday Jean Sahagan
Wayne Blackmer Robert Hubiak Elizabeth Salva
Walter Bowles Bette Jean Huligan Barbara Schaeffer
Elsa Maria Calero Joan Kenderski David Scher
Janice Church Linda Rodman Kuhn Jill Schoerger
Gail Cohen Bob Kurisko Joseph Scopino
John Conte Barbara J Lee William Suglaski
Jeffrey Deck Alfred Liska Jacqueline Testa
Dina DePalma Lynn Machonis Sheila Thome
Renee Doskoczynski James MacMillan Darryl Thomas
Susan Elwertowski Marjorie Kay Mansfield William David Thorne
Wanye Louis Ferho Michal Markowich Diane Turk
Chris Flangos Bob Matus Mark Van De Water
Denise Garretson Marion Carol Messersmith Andreana Weber
Debbie Lynne Gilliam Linda Susan Miles Ellenda Suzanne Williams
Jill Ellen Goodman Karen Miller Gary Williams
John Gordon Paul Brian Mozer Barbara Winnick
Paul Gurski Wayne Murray Michael Wright
Sheryl Gutwillig John Louis Ncroto Deborah Wyman
Keith Hammock Robert Palmer Elaine Teres Yochim
Mark Haney    



50th Reunion CHS Class of 1971
Cranford, NJ

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